I AM STILL ALIVE 15.3.2020

I AM STILL ALIVE 15.3.2020


Ides of March

This is a photo of my hand.

Every hand is different but most people would have difficulty recognising a person by seeing someone’s hand unless they have something very distinct like a scar or a ring. We might see someone’s hand and think it looks like someone’s hand but not be certain.

We all have different faces and most people can recognise a person by seeing someone’s face. It’s a special ability most humans have.

I have a condition called Prosopagnosia. I don’t have this special ability that most humans have in recognising people by their face. I do often recognise people but my brain has to work hard and consider context, mannerism, type of face, type of body, hair style, voice etc. I do get there eventually, most of the time.

I do try and make eye contact with everybody and if I see that someone recognises me, I try and work out who they are.

Interestingly, chuck Close has prosopagnosia.

One more thing: a few years ago I was interviewed by a journalist. When she sent me the text she was proposing to sell to news outlets, I told her that there were many things that were incorrect (for example, the article claimed that I did not recognise my family when I woke up in the morning which is not true) and she said she would correct it. The next thing I knew, my story, The sad man who can’t recognise his wife and children was all over the internet.

On UK sites:




And around the world:




The photographer sent to take photographs of me and my family had just photographed Britain’s oldest horse and his next assignment was to photograph a woman in Bristol who was addicted to ketchup.


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